Tahniah Alif Satar! Berjaya Tamatkan IronMan Langkawi Di Kedudukan Ke-25 Dalam Kategori Peringkat Umur

Badrul Hashim 21/11/2018 | 03:37 MYT
Menurut Alif, perjalanan triathlon yang ditempuhi beliau seperti satu mimpi. IronMan Langkawi yang berlangsung hujung minggu lalu memerlukan peserta berenang sejauh 1.9km, berbasikal sejauh 90km dan berlari sejauh 21km.
“to swim in the open sea for 1.9km (dalam hati dok doa, tolong la jangan ada jellyfish) and to hop on your bike to cycle 90km all around beautiful Langkawi (macam kayuh KL-PD) lepas tu kena lari pulak 21km in the hot sun, and thinking about the race against time, mental memang koyak.
“Especially bila nampak pro athletes potong kita macam kita ni budak tadika. I told my wife that I’ll try to finish at 1pm, sekali tengok jam dah pukul satu and I still have 7km to run to the finish line.
“But the cheering crowd along the streets of Cenang bagi semangat untuk terus berlari. Bila sampai je kat hotel, and when I saw my family and friends, cheering, sakit cramp semua t uterus hilang.
“Alif tak pernah swim dekat laut, I’ve never ran more than 10km but to finish my first 70.3 Ironman under 7 hours, I’m happy.
“To be honest, this sport is about you pushing your mental strength, and you just want to finish it. Even to finish it, is already satisfying.,” tulis Alif di Instagram beliau.
#Alif Satar #IronMan