13 Inspirasi Hebat Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Didik Kembarnya ADAM & NOAH — Ini TIPS Gilap GENIUS MALAYSIA!

Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
ANGKASAWAN Negara pertama Malaysia, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha, antara figura sanjungan negara yang bukan sahaja disegani kerana pengalaman emasnya menjadi manusia Malaysia pertama ke angkasaraya. Malah, dia juga rupanya seorang bapa yang punya pendekatan dan pemikiran luar biasa dalam membangunkan aspek sahsiah, emosi dan pendidikan anak-anaknya secara holistik.
Selepas Bella dan Tasha, kini keluarga Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar dan Dr. Halina berganda bahagia dengan kehadiran sepasang kembar lelaki yang bernama Sheikh Adam dan Sheikh Noah. Kami ingin membawa perhatian anda kepada teknik-teknik dan pendekatan menarik yang sedang diguna pakai oleh beliau untuk mengasuh sepasang kembarnya itu.

Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Ini Cara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Gunakan ‘Flash Card’:
“As you can see Adam dan Noah are very alert looking at the pictures. Try to do it with a quiet environment and bright light. Show your flash cards at a fast pace since newborns have a very short attention span. Speak loudly and clearly. Give a big hug once you are done. Repeat these exercise 5 times a day with the same flash cards for at least a week. You can also make your own flash cards by printing down those pictures. Start with black and white and gradually to colors. Good luck and salam Jumaat everyone.”
Bilakah Waktu Paling Kritikal Untuk Kita Berdamping Rapat Dengan Anak-anak?
Berikut Jawapan dan Saranan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“I believe in giving lots of love to your child especially in the first 7 years of their lives.
“Talk to them often even if they are babies because they really do understand them. Try to avoid the word NO... but instead explain to them why. And when you talk to them, kneel down to be on eye level to them especially when they are toddlers. It’s a better way of communicating.”
Kalau Jadual Anak Anda Padat, Anda Kena Bijak Merebut Waktu
Kata Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Good morning everyone! Today is Dr Halina on call. That means I’m ready to play the role of house husband. Tight schedules today with the girls having tae kwan do and Kumon classes. No problem. At least I get to spend Daddy time with the 4 children today. Happy Saturday everyone!”

Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Bayi Menangis Kerana Banyak Sebab, Ini Cara Mengurusnya
Berikut Tips Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Babies cry because of many reasons. It’s their only way of communication and wanting to tell us parents something, hence it’s important to be able to identify the type of cries which I thought I have mastered. But sometimes they baffled me and I became lost and not knowing what to do. Worse scenario is when both cry at the same time… wanting to tell me something which I couldn’t figure it out.”
“In this case I wasn’t sure why they were crying. Showered, breastfed, diapers changed and just had a long nap — everything checked. The cries stopped when I placed them on tummy time and I realised then... they were just bored and wanted to stretch and play.”
“Sometimes I like to go out with just one of my child rather than the whole bunch having Daddy time and giving my fullest attention. You will be surprised at how much the child truly enjoys your company — well behaved, talking to you and hugging you, certainly a time well spent even if it’s just for 20 minutes. Do try them out.”
Jangan Rasa Terbeban Dengan Rutin Mandikan Bayi, Itu Waktu Terbaik Untuk Jalin Rasa Sayang
Mandikan Adam dan Noah Antara Rutin Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“One of my best times with the twins are shower time. Normally I get to shower the boys early in the morning as Dr Halina has to leave to work very early. Lucky me! It’s my chance to truly bond with them. The boys just love water with splashes everywhere. This is Noah in the picture since I couldn’t shower both at the same time. Great Thursday everyone!”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Kelas Mini Untuk Bayi
Anda Boleh Cuba Pendekatan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Ini:
“The boys are now able to sit at 4 months and I have started my mini classroom with them. Besides flash cards I use babies books to stimulate them.”
“They are starting to use their fingers to grip and holding toys. They too are becoming more alert with their surroundings especially when you bring them outside . And when you teach , do not use baby talk but with a loud clear voice which will help them later on. I also have my mini class with the girls in the evening for an hour daily drilling them on their Maths and English. As long as you do them in a fun manner, kids love to learn new things. Have a great week everyone!”
Anak Kecil Bagaikan Jam Loceng Ibu Bapanya Tiap Pagi
Ini Pengakuan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“The twins are my morning clock in the morning. They would wake me up at 5.30am in the morning with a big smile on their faces. Salam Jumaat everyone.”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Pagi Adalah Waktu Terbaik Untuk Bermain Dengan Bayi Anda
Ini Pengalaman Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Morning is the best time to play with the babies. They had a good sleep, well fed, showered and certainly in their best behaviour. It’s certainly a good time to do flash cards with them and even long duration of tummy time. Have a great Monday everyone!”
PS — Adam is on the left and Noah on the right!
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Ibu Bapa Perlu Peka Dengan Perkembangan Bayi, Ambil Peluang Itu Untuk Gilap Potensi Mereka
Ini Fokus Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Untuk Adam dan Noah:
“Adam dan Noah are now at an age where they just want to move around instead of just lying down like an upside-down turtle. Their eyes keep on studying their surrounding, more alert, their legs kicking excessively, responding with a big smile when their names are being called including face recognition and wanting to grab things, crawling up to one feet and roll over which are signs of good development. Alhamdulillah…”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Kembara Luar Negara, Naik Kapal Terbang Dengan Bayi dan Anak Kecil Sangat Leceh, Benarkah?
Ini Pendapat Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Many asked me whether is it difficult to travel in a big family? The answer is NO if each of us play our role right. We always prepare the children early to reach the airport 3 hours before departure.”
“I would buy some activity books for the girls to play on the flight so that we could focus on the twins. Start bottle feed the babies as the plane are about to take off as the depressurisation might cause discomfort to them. We prefer baby carriers as strollers are too bulky.”
“Know your babies moods — when they need their sleep and feeding time and make your plans revolving on these routine. Dad needs to help with the extra work to allow mommy have some rest as travelling can be very exhausting to us parents. I don’t need sleep much just 4 hours a day so usually I will take the night shift. Sometimes babies can be very cranky at a new environment so be aware of this too. And get help from hotel staffs. We were lucky that many Legoland staffs adored our babies so sometimes we just hand to them while we have our breakfast but with cautious of course. Only trustworthy faces are allowed to handle our babies.”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Bagaimana Mendisiplinkan Bayi Dengan Waktu Tidur atau Waktu Jaga yang Konsisten?
Ini Cara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Melakukannya:
“Many have asked me how we trained the boys to sleep till morning at a very early age. It’s normal for newborn up to 6 months of age to wake up in the middle of the night crying for many reasons. It might be their diapers are wet, room is too cold or hot, hungry for food which is the most common or things you just can’t explain.”
“We started to put the twins sleeping in their own room since birth with a baby monitor connected to our room just in case they started crying in the middle of the night. Make sure the babies are well fed and change to a new diaper before they are about to reach their bedtime.”
“Our twins normally sleep at 9.30pm - 10.00 pm. And make this a routine on the same timings as babies love routine. Be sure the room is comfortable for the babies — not too hot or cold. Sometimes they get uncomfortable wearing too thick of a pyjama as the parents would know what’s best. If they wake up in the middle of the night, just observe first from afar and don’t carry them immediately unless the cries get louder. Sometimes they just wiggle left and right with a soft cry and goes back to sleep again. No patting them on the back as then they would know you are there and wanting to be carried up. And do wake them up at the same time on a daily basis.”
“The twins wake up normally at 6.00 am before the girls wake up at 6.30 am. Even if the babies are still asleep, do wake them up following the same routine. InsyaAllah, in time the babies will adapt and will sleep throughout. Every babies are different but shouldn’t be a problem following these simple steps. Good luck to you guys and hope it works.”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar
Dodoikan Bayi Supaya Dia Tidur Pun Ada Seninya
Cuba Tips Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Ini:
“There are times when I had to put the baby to sleep both at the same time. It’s rare but it does happen. And I have mastered that technique. I will carry both of them, sit on my sofa rocking chair, sing them a lullaby song and surely they will fall asleep.”
“But trouble arises not knowing how to put them on their crib after. The boys normally sleep 3 times a day in the day time for about 1-2 hours per sleep. And always in a jolly good mood when they wake up.”
“Try not to give milk immediately when your child wakes up but let them play on the mat for 30 minutes instead. The reason — to prevent the child from crying every time he wakes up as he’s used to the routine. Good morning everyone.”
‘Daddy Time’ Dengan Anak Sangat Penting dan Kritikal
Anda Boleh Cuba Teknik Ini:
“I love having one to one time with the kids whether it’s Bella,Tasha, Adam or Noah as you get their fullest attention. They behave differently too when you are just with them.
Cara Berbahagi Kasih Sayang Supaya Anak-anak Saling Tak Cemburu
Ini Pendapat Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar:
“Adam and Noah, the boys are growing very fast indeed. It has been sleepless nights for the both of us since their arrival. Life has been chaotic with the girls starting school and all. But it was worth it.”
“At 5 months, the boys sleep less compared to before. That means more play time and attention to them. They are getting good with their handgrip. That makes us easy to bottle feed them as they can hold on to their own bottle.”
“Do buy lots of educational toys for them with bright colors and toys which help on their grip. Truly they are happy babies. And thanks to Bella and Tasha who loves taking care of them. Bella always acts like an elder sister playing with the twins but Tasha would squeeze hard on the boys cheeks and pressed their noses when no one is looking. Cheeky Tasha!”
“So be careful when you leave your babies alone with other small siblings as they might not know how to express their love towards babies. So far we have yet to get any jealousy feeling among the kids as we spend equal time with all of them. Salam Jumaat everyone.”
Kredit foto: Instagram @drsheikhmuszaphar