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Sasha Saidin Throwback Gambar Lama Elite, Peminat Pula Bukan Main 'KLMJ'

Amri Hassan 16/09/2018 | 23:47 MYT
Ada banyak sebab untuk peminat setia menghargai artis, sama ada karya yang hebat mahupun personaliti yang mempesonakan.
Malah, ada antara peminat yang mudah 'KLMJ' (kenangan lalu menggamit jiwa) setiap kali artis kegemaran mereka melakukan sesuatu.
Terbaharu, anggota kumpulan Elite, Sasha Saidin sempat memuat naik sekeping foto throwback kumpulan itu di Instagramnya bersama untaian kata penuh makna.
Tulis Sasha, rahsia Elite untuk kekal relevan kerana tiada sikap kepura-puraan dalam diri masing-masing.
"Kami jadi diri sendiri dan tak hipokrit. Memang kami tak kenal satu sama lain ketika awal-awal dahulu tapi lama-kelamaan kamilah yang menyokong sesama sendiri.
"Kami lalui pelbagai kontroversi dan tidak terjangka sama sekali Elite akan kekal sampai hari ini walaupun masing-masing ada kehidupan sendiri," tulisnya panjang lebar.

People often ask me what’s ELITE’s secret? I think it’s just that we love being us and we love having fun. We never pretend to be what we are not and we do what we love doing. We didint know each other when we started, taking one year to form and we grew up in front of the public eye just like other adolescents we had growing pains that we dealt with our own way. We were carefree, cheeky and adventurous but we were also determined, inspired and full of life. We had our controversies and front page dramas but we made it through the storm with the support of those who never gave up on us. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that ELITE would be around till today and even though every member of ELITE now has their own family and career to focus on but ELITE always remained together supporting each other physically and mentally. However you think about it when it comes down to it, we have one group of people to thank the most. Our awesome fans. Thank you for supporting ELITE as a group and every member of ELITE individually no matter the projects we have worked on throughout the years keeping up with all of our ups and downs laughing and crying together with us. Thank you for being so loyal and standing up for us being our mouthpiece when we couldn’t speak up for ourselves. Our fans are truly our backbone and we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our ELITEsts fans cutting across all boundaries of creed and race. Soon ELITE will be announcing an exciting project that we can’t wait for you guys to join in the excitement. Till then don’t forget to follow these ELITE super fans Instagram account for the latest updates. Thank you for making us #1 in your hearts then, now and forever. We love you all! Follow ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ @theoriginal_elite @theoriginal_elite @theoriginal_elite @elitesuperwarriors @elitesuperwarriors @puteri_elite @puteri_elite @puteri_elite NOW! ♥️ @azzaelite @abby_abadi112 @lindarafar @superwomen_joey @sashasaidin p/s if you know any other ELITE super fan accounts let me know in the comments below ?? #Page255Of365In2018BySashaSaidin #TheMisdemeanoursOfSashieMooshieTheAttackCat #DiaryOfASingleWorkingMum #CommittedToTheCelopians

A post shared by Princess Sayang (@sashasaidin) on

Elite merupakan artis rakaman sulung KRU Records yang ditubuhkan pada 1996.
Kumpulan itu terdiri daripada Sasha, Azza, Wanite, Linda Rafar dan Abby Abadi.
Selain itu, Fiza Abdul Halim, Hana, Sharifah Sofia dan Ava Vanja pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada anggota kumpulan itu.
Malah, Sasha turut berterima kasih kepada peminat yang tidak pernah jemu menyokong Elite.
Bagi yang membesar bersama lagu-lagu seperti GIG, Tamparan Wanita dan Trauma, pasti banyak kenangan yang tersemat bersama kumpulan vokal wanita popular itu.
"Spice Girl Malaysia," tulis @izareth11.
"Masuk karaoke mesti cari lagu Elite," tambah @borneodivas.
"I remember the first and only time I saw Elite live. It was wow, 20 years now? SUKOM 1998.
"I was a volunteer for the opening and closing ceremony. Being part of it was a once in a lifetime experience.
"I do remember waiting backstage to catch a glimpse of Elite. Once a fan, always a fan," ungkit @hazwanshamsul.
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