
“Saya Pernah Pakai Size XL”- Rashidi Ishak Dedah Pengalaman Menurunkan Berat Badan

Syafiqah Jalal
12:21 MYT
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“Saya Pernah Pakai Size XL”- Rashidi Ishak Dedah Pengalaman Menurunkan Berat Badan
Pelakon Rashidi Ishak akui pernah mengalami obesiti sehingga beratnya mencecah 88 kilogram (kg).
Namun Rashidi berkata ketika itu dia berada di tahap yang selesa dan cuba menyembunyikan bentuk badannya menerusi baju-baju yang bergaya.
Pun begitu, Rashidi memberitahu dia tidak dapat menafikan badannya terasa sangat berat dan tidak sihat.
“Confession friday. This picture was in late 2016. Yes I was a full on obese before. I wore size XL. My waist was more than 36 inches (more likely 38) but I wore pants size 34 because I refused to believe I was wide. My weight? 88kg. You know when you were in a state of ‘comfortable’, you hardly notice that you were actually in a terrible state? I was ‘hiding’ behind nicely fitted clothes. I know I was heavy. I know I felt heavy. But at that point, I didn’t really take care of myself. Because you know, I wasn’t in a bad health. I was healthy (at least I believed so), I mean I could still go to the gym and workout. The only thing is, I knew I was huge. Deep down, I wasn’t happy with myself. But of course, I wouldn’t show to the world I was not happy right? It’s what they say as ‘in denial’,” tulisnya.
Rashidi berkongsi perkara tersebut di akaun Instagram miliknya.
Menerusi entri tersebut, dia telah memuat naik fotonya ketika berbadan besar.
Pun begitu, Rashidi kagum melihat bekas isterinya, Vanidah Imran yang sering ke gim dan kelas yoga serta menjaga kesihatan.
Aktor itu mula terinspirasi dengan Vanidah dan kemudian memasuki beberapa acara larian.
Kini selepas dua tahun terlibat dalam aktiviti larian, Rashidi gembira kerana dia sudah mendapat bentuk badan yang lebih fit.
“My ex-wife was really fit. She was always in the gym. Always attending yoga classes and those boot camps. And when I joined her for running, I couldn’t keep up with her and her running buddies. But honestly, she had made me inspired to be a better fitter person. Had she not encouraged me to join her running activities, I would have not known the enjoyment of running or being able to run. I only began to start to run in the late 2016 and seriously in early 2017.
“Yes before that I had participated in those fun run (5km). Eventhough I was big, I could still run that 5km. I wasn’t fast but I finished it. More like walking to the finishing line. Yep, run & walk. Actually I had always wanted to run a marathon. I always wonder how do people run that distance. Like I could barely finish 5km, how do they run a 21km or that crazy 42km? But I wanted it. I wanted it badly. So I started to read about marathons, marathoners and the training.
“And my journey as a runner, as a marathoner started about 2 years ago. Started all by myself. Then I got to know a few running friends. I was lucky to have met a running coach. Learned a lot. Experienced a lot. Trained a lot. Still learning to be a better runner. I’m happy the way I have progressed. And in that process, I have managed to bring down my body weight. Kinda natural thing to happen. And now, I’m preparing to run my 4th full marathon,” katanya lagi.
Rashidi, 45, dan Vanidah, 46, mendirikan rumah pada 1 Oktober 2000 dan berpisah pada 9 Ogos tahun lalu.
Hasil perkongsian hidup, mereka dikurniakan sepasang cahaya mata, Mikhail Imran, 18 dan Maryam Rashika, 15.
Confession friday. This picture was in late 2016. Yes I was a full on obese before. I wore size XL. My waist was more than 36 inches (more likely 38) but I wore pants size 34 because I refused to believe I was wide. My weight? 88kg. You know when you were in a state of ‘comfortable’, you hardly notice that you were actually in a terrible state? I was ‘hiding’ behind nicely fitted clothes. I know I was heavy. I know I felt heavy. But at that point, I didn’t really take care of myself. Because you know, I wasn’t in a bad health. I was healthy (at least I believed so), I mean I could still go to the gym and workout. The only thing is, I knew I was huge. Deep down, I wasn’t happy with myself. But of course, I wouldn’t show to the world I was not happy right? It’s what they say as ‘in denial’. . My ex-wife was really fit. She was always in the gym. Always attending yoga classes and those boot camps. And when I joined her for running, I couldn’t keep up with her and her running buddies. But honestly, she had made me inspired to be a better fitter person. Had she not encouraged me to join her running activities, I would have not known the enjoyment of running or being able to run. I only began to start to run in the late 2016 and seriously in early 2017. Yes before that I had participated in those fun run (5km). Eventhough I was big, I could still run that 5km. I wasn’t fast but I finished it. More like walking to the finishing line. Yep, run & walk. Actually I had always wanted to run a marathon. I always wonder how do people run that distance. Like I could barely finish 5km, how do they run a 21km or that crazy 42km? But I wanted it. I wanted it badly. So I started to read about marathons, marathoners and the training. . And my journey as a runner, as a marathoner started about 2 years ago. Started all by myself. Then I got to know a few running friends. I was lucky to have met a running coach. Learned a lot. Experienced a lot. Trained a lot. Still learning to be a better runner. I’m happy the way I have progressed. And in that process, I have managed to bring down my body weight. Kinda natural thing to happen. And now, I’m preparing to run my 4th full marathon. ??
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