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#GempakSpot: After Instagram, Facebook Is Now Testing Hiding 'Likes' As Well

Gempak Spot 04/10/2019 | 01:27 MYT
Earlier this year, Instagram began hiding the number of 'likes' you see on someone else's account in some countries to stop the social pressure and anxiety that may stem from comparing our posts with others.
Now, Facebook has also begun testing this out in Australia, which could potentially roll out in more countries soon.
Similarly, Facebook users affected by this test will not be able to see the number of likes, reactions and views on another person's post, including ads and sponsored posts.
With that, only the owner of the post will be able to view the numbers privately.
"We don’t want Facebook to feel like a competition," Facebook said in a statement, as reported by AFP.
This test will see whether this change will improve people's experience and engagement on the platform.
"While this has been testing on Instagram, Facebook and (Instagram) are different surfaces and we will likely see different data come from this test."
Since July, Instagram like counts have been hidden in Australia, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, and Japan.
Let's see if the Facebook test will churn out more positive results.
How do you feel about not seeing someone else's like counts? Do you think that it will help reduce the pressure you may have on receiving the same kind of reactions on your social media?
Kredit Gambar: Rojak Daily
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#Facebook #GempakSpot #Likes