#GempakSpot: Malaysia Ranked Seventh Best Country In The World To Retire By Annual Survey

Gempak Spot 15/01/2020 | 07:58 MYT
Planning to retire in another country?
Why look elsewhere when Malaysia has everything that the world can offer?
And we are not even exaggerating here: we have the survey to prove it.

Healthcare is top notch

survey has listed Malaysia as one of the 10 best retirement destinations worldwide.
According to AFP-Relaxnews, among the things that were taken into consideration when coming up with the list include cost of living, healthcare system, climate and ease of setting up residence.
And because we ticked most of the boxes, Malaysia clinched the seventh spot in the list.
“Portugal has been ranked first for 2020, notably thanks to its healthcare system which scored 98 out of 100 and the very reasonable cost of living in the country, which was one of the lowest in the top 10,” the news agency said.
The fourth best place to retire in the world went to Mexico, while the fifth and sixth place went to Columbia and Ecuador.
Rounding up the top ten are Spain, France and Vietnam.
So, have you changed your mind about retiring in another country?
Kredit Gambar: Rojak Daily
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