'Standing in the eyes.. standing in the eyes.....'

If you're Malaysian, it's highly likely that you will immediately recognise that the above lyrics come from the song 'Standing In The Eyes Of The World'.

Made famous by our very own Queen of Rock, Ella, the song was used as the anthem for the 1998 Commonwealth Games.

What you may not know is that the song was recently redone by a number of Malaysian and American musicians in line with USA's Independence Day.


Uniting through music

Let's give this whole thing some clarity.

The collaboration was actually organised by the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in line with the July 4th celebrations here.

Makes more sense now right. Haha!

Anyway, the new version includes Malaysian flutist Mohar Mohram, Ella, Zee Avi and musicians from the American Music Abroad programs.

We also loved the portion where the American musicians started singing in Malay.

Very the cute!