If you’re a big fan of ‘The Conjuring’ universe and James Wan’s horror flicks, you’ll be pleased (or petrified) to know that ‘Annabelle’ will soon return to the silver screens.

‘Annabelle Comes Home’, the third movie in the series, is set to premiere on 27 June. Movie studio Warner Bros. recently released a second trailer which gives fans a deeper insight on what happens when the cursed doll goes home with the Warrens.

In the threequel, a nosey teenager awakens every single evil spirit in the Warren’s ‘demonology witchcraft’ vault and unleashes hell – literally.

If there was an ‘Avengers’ movie for malicious spirits, this would be it and to be quite frank, we’re really excited to see this league of demons.

Anyway, one of the main talking points of the new movie is the new demon that's going to be in the movie: a spirit called the Ferryman.

The Ferryman is a huge coin collector (who knows he’s behind all those fake old money collector Instagram accounts out there, amirite?) because when someone dies, people put coins on his or her eyes so that the Ferryman can come and take their souls.

A sketch of the Ferryman as seen in the trailer.
Why would anyone put coins on a dead person’s eyes is beyond us, but perhaps there’s some weird reason for it and we have a feeling we would get the answer as to why the Ferryman has huge coins for eyes.

Besides Annabelle and the Ferryman, a few other new demons that are ready to scare you include a shadowy figure that looks like a witch holding a wand and a demon in an old Samurai suit.

This may potentially be the best ‘Annabelle’ there is yet, and we’ve got only less than a month until we find out.

In the meantime, you can watch our interview with Annabelle here: