If you’re a big fan of the Harry Potter series or universe, you would most probably know by now that Dumbledore was played by Michael Gambon.

After more than a decade of growing up with the original cast members throughout the movie series, to be honest, we couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the iconic Hogwarts headmaster apart from Gambon.

Michael Gambon jokes on set with the late Alan Rickman.
After the final Harry Potter movie premiered, a cloak of sadness filled the hearts of fans as they know deep down that it was the end of a magical era.

However, fast forward to five years later, fans rejoiced as another era was born, which was an extension of the Harry Potter universe – Fantastic Beasts.

The movie starred Eddie Redmayne, who played the character Newt Scamander, a magizoologist, who has a fascination towards magical beasts and creatures.

Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander.
If you didn’t know, Dumbledore actually played a pivotal role during Scamander’s schooling years. Dumbledore taught the magizoologist and defended Scamander’s expulsion from Hogwarts. This was even referenced in the first Fantastic Beasts.

Since Warner Bros. announced that there will be five more Fantastic Beasts movies, fans are hoping to catch a glimpse of some of the original characters from the Harry Potter movies in one of the films.

Well, the good news is, Dumbledore will be making an appearance in the upcoming Fantastic Beasts!

But since the movie will be set decades before Dumbledore became the headmaster of Hogwarts and before the beginning of the Harry Potter era, naturally, a much younger Dumbledore will appear – and he will be played by the charming Jude Law.

Oh my, what a fine, handsome man Dumbledore will look like when he was younger.

Definitely someone you'd take to the Yule Ball.
The news broke out via Pottermore, the official website of the Harry Potter universe.

Law will play a Transfiguration professor and a peer of Gellert Grindelwald, played by Johnny Depp, the dark wizard who appeared at the end of Fantastic Beasts.

According to director David Yates, he’s looking forward to working with the talented Oscar-nominee actor as he knows Law will “brilliantly capture all the unexpected facets of Albus Dumbledore as J.K. Rowling reveals this very different time in his life.”

The second installment of Fantastic Beasts will begin filming this summer and is set to premiere on 16 November 2018.

Only one and a half years to go, until the magic returns, guys!