The Mandalorian Returns For Yet Another Gunslinging, Dogfighting Turn Out in Season 3
The start of 2023 has been exciting for geeks and moviegooers, starting with a banger of a blockbuster in Antman & The Wasp: Quantumania and of course, The Last Of Us, together with the return of many cult-favourite series.
Among the hyped few, the Mandalorian remained eagerly anticipated by fans from different generations. Dubbed the series that helped the Star Wars franchise ‘redeem’ itself after the latest trilogy, Mandalorian has impressed so far with a climactic ending in its second season and a much-needed cameo in the Book of Boba Fett.

After three episodes in, the Mandalorian has successfully retained its hype as one of the best Star Wars series by serving fans and playing things dangerously.
The Manda-lore

Season 3 explores a bit more on the Mandalorian lore. Aside from the series, the last time Star Wars explored this part of their universe history was during the Clone Wars, when Bo-Katan ruled Mandalore for a short while before the Purge.
In season 3, the writers delved deeper into Mandalore, with the possibility of restoring the Mandalorian’s motherland while also acknowledging different belief systems between Mandalorians themselves.
Intense Dogfights

Aside from the lightsaber duels, every Star Wars fan loves dogfights. Who wouldn’t want to watch jet planes shoot at each other in the sky? In season 3, Din Djarin returns with a brand new (but vintage) N-1 Naboo Starfighter; the same type Anakin Skywalker used to fly.
Acquired from Peli Motto in a Book of Boba Fett episode, viewers will get to see more of the Starfighter in action; also with hopes that it doesn’t blow up this time.
Grogu’s limitless potential

Yes, admittedly Grogu is cute and all, but with every episode, the Child’s potential grows. Grogu is no longer the helpless creature we saw in the first episode. After a training stint with Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, Grogu is familiar with the ways of the force. But as a force user, what are his leanings? Will he eventually become a Jedi, or a Sith? Or will Star Wars finally explore the Grey route?
The Mandalorian is now available for viewing on Disney Plus with new episodes uploaded every Wednesday.