New Drama ‘LIAR’ Accurately Depicts How the One Stop Crisis Centre Helps Sexual Assault Victims
Liar is the brand new Astro Originals that has followed on the heels of the highly successful Projek: High Council and tells the story (well two sides of a story) of well-regarded doctor Aiman Yusuf (played by Tony Eusoff) and divorcee/school teacher Lara Sulaiman (played by Tiz Zaqyah) who has a mysterious past.
The series is an adaptation of the BBC's Liar and like the title sugggests, nothing is as it seems. Without giving too much away, our protagonists Lara and Aiman agree to go on a date that will change the course of their lives.

From Aiman's perspective, the date went well and he looked forward to meeting his dinner companion again, but for Lara, something sinister had happened. It's not overtly depicted in the show, but Lara is seen the next morning having pain in her genitalia, grogginess, and a deep feeling of unease.
Three days pass in the show before Lara felt ready to tell her sister what she thinks happened to her and the pair head to the One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) for Lara to get examined for sexual assault.
What examinations are done for sexual assault victims at the OSCC?
The OSCC was established in 1996 and is an integrated and comprehensive multiagency service center established in all Emergency and Trauma Departments (ETD) of the Ministry Of Health for the management of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect. The survivors are seen at the center where all agencies converge to manage them.
Watching the scene, it's clear that the show treated the experience of the examination with great care.
According to the OSCC website, there will be a doctor's consultation first followed by a physical examination by a nurse. In the show, the nurses are very careful to explain each step to Lara as she's being examined.
First, they exam her body for bruises of any kind. Then as her case involves sexual assault, a procedure is done to take biological specimens from her vagina. The show even goes so far as to show the instruments that will be used.
There was a retired gynaecologist nurse on set to ensure all proper SOPs were followed and that the examination was accurate to what survivors will go through. The nurse had experience examining suspected sexual assault survivors as well so the scene didn't feel gratuitous or exploitative.
The show does leave out some other exams that are explained in the OSCC website as other biological specimens are needed as well i.e., blood, anus, nail, and hair specimens will be sent to the laboratory.
When should you go to the OSCC?
In cases where victims are drugged and are unsure (like in the show), it's best to head to an OSCC immediately.
Biological specimens like fluids and physical trauma in assault can disappear after a shower or after even 12 hours so it's best to be quick. In Liar, Lara waited three days before she was ready to get tested and by then, no traces of assault was found on her.
This makes the process of identitfying the assaulter difficult and makes the task harder for the police.
What we appreciated from the show was also the fact that the authoritites were not biased against Lara but pursued every avenue to support her sexual assault claims including questioning Dr. Aiman.
Victim blaming and stigma in sexual assault cases

Above all, episode one of Liar manages to alleviate the stigma related to sexual assault survivors and did not resort to victim blaming to create drama. It also manages to shed a light on the process of reporting for sexual crimes accurately.
Liar doesn't make it easy for the audience to guess what's real and what's not, but that's all part of the fun. We'd also like to applaud Tiz Zaqyah's performance here. She goes from victim, to survivor, to retaliator in one episode and it's compelling.
If you or someone you know is suspected of abuse of any kind, do not hesitate to head to the nearest OSCC. You can even report emotional or verbal abuse and commercial exploitation like underage labour.
All Ministry of Health hospitals are equipped with an OSCC and it is open 24 hours a day. Your confidentiality is protected and staff are trained for discretion.
Watch Liar now on Astro Ria channel 104, 9pm every Monday or stream in via Astro Go or On Demand after episodes air.
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