M’sian Sacrifices His Dream of Becoming a Chef to Care for His Disabled Brother
It was never an easy task to care for others, let alone someone with a disability. But for Mohd Tarmizi Abdullah, 41, it has been a part of his life to care for his elder brother, who falls under the multiple disabilities category.
Not only had he sacrificed his time and energy, but Tarmizi also willingly put his dream of becoming a chef on the back burner to care for his brother.
It all started after their parents passed away
Tarmizi's dedication to his brother intensified after the siblings lost their parents. Their father, Abdullah Ibrahim, passed away in 2008 after a stroke, while their mother, whom Tarmizi described as his ‘paradise’, succumbed to old age just two years ago.
According to Tarmizi who lives in Kampung Rasal Tok Uban, Pasir Mas, he has been taking care of his brother, Mat Yusoff Abdullah, 53, for close to 20 years now.
Tarmizi, the youngest of eight, said that even though his other brothers and sisters remain supportive of Mat Yusoff's well-being, Tarmizi took the role of his primary caretaker as they lived together.
It was not an easy feat to care for his brother
Image Credit: MetroTV
Caring for Matt Yusoff has its own unique challenges. Tarmizi revealed that his brother often sulks and acts out, so Tarmizi needs to learn how to attend to his feelings.
“If the clothes don't smell nice, he won't want to wear them. It's hard to understand him because of his unclear speech, which requires patience but I'm used to it,” he said.
Tarmizi currently earns a living by crafting decorative gifts, a job that provides flexibility of time and since he's working from home, it's also easy for him to care for his brother.
“I've been close to him (Matt Yusoff) since I had finished school as I often help my late father. If I have to leave the house, I would monitor him through the CCTV connected to my phone. I don't leave him alone for long as it feels different when he's not around,” he added.
Although Matt Yusoff can't talk like a normal person, Tarmizi shared that he enjoys talking to him and often shares his thoughts or problems with his brother.
“I like talking with him. I have seen him cry and smile as if he really understands what I'm talking about.”
Featured Image Credit: Harian Metro
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