
5 Cool Tips to Beat the Heat Without Using an Air Conditioner

Yenn 23/01/2017 | 06:29 MYT

The sun has been working extra hard these days, turning any trip outdoor like a session in the sauna. And with the scorching sun upon us, the air-conditioner becomes our best friend. However, it is both bad for the environment and your wallet. In Malaysia, we have been emitting 2.4 billion kgs of CO2 every month through energy consumption, 62% of which (per household) comes from air conditioners!

But how else can we beat the heat without the help of this life-saving yet energy-guzzling appliance? Here’s an alternative list of hacks to stay cool as a cucumber, while keeping your electricity bills and carbon footprint low.

#1 Damp cloth over fan

GIF: Giphy
Want those mist fans you see at food courts? Create your very own by wetting the classic ‘Good Morning’ towel and placing it over the fan. The moisture from the damp towel will create a cooling effect as the fan blows your way.

#2 Invest in a rattan chair

GIF: Giphy
Old is gold, they say. The classic rattan chair is perfect for the hot weather as unlike fabric, it allows air through between each vine. Rattan chairs are also comfortable and sturdy so it’ll last you generations.

#3 Keep plants near

GIF: Giphy
Science has taught us that plants lose water during transpiration, which cools the air around it. This is what makes air in the forest fresher and cooler. While it’s not practical to be camping out every night during the heatwave, you can always incorporate plants into your décor. Opt for simple potted plants for a start. Cheap and environmentally friendly.

#4 Sponge icepack

GIF: Giphy
Alternatively, you can make your own portable icepack that doesn’t create a messy puddle. Just freeze a sponge filled with water in a ziplock bag overnight. The sponge will soak up the water as the ice melts and the ziplock bag keeps the water inside so you can expect no messy spills.

#5 Keep the sun out

GIF: Giphy
During the day, use heat blocking curtains to keep the sun out of the house. If you can’t afford one, you can easily use aluminium reflective pieces available at your local DIY store. Place the pieces on your windows during the day and it will help keep the temperature in the house down.
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