5 Perfect Holiday Spots In Malaysia For When You Just Want To Chill And Rejuvenate

RD Minion
03:03 MYT
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5 Perfect Holiday Spots In Malaysia For When You Just Want To Chill And Rejuvenate
With the government announcing the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) will be continuing till the end of the year, we're sure many of you are eager to get out of your homes and seek excitement elsewhere.
But that doesn't mean everyone wants an exciting break filled with adventure and new discoveries.
Sometimes, you just need to chill, just be yourself and rejuvenate to face the challenges that 2020 doesn't seem to stop dishing out.
If, like us, you too feel like you need to just shut down and reset, here are some places in the country you could do so in comfort.

#1 Mangala Resort and Spa, Pahang

Do you fancy a private pool If you feel like indulging and shutting off from the rest of the world, this is the perfect choice.
You get a beautiful villa with a private pool, plenty of greenery surrounding you, a private pool and even a rejuvenating spa session if you choose to go for one.
Leave your worries behind and just be one with the nature. There's plenty to do at the resort itself if you find it in you to leave your comfortable rooms, including archery, kayaking, cycling and picnic.
If you're feeling a little bit more rajin, you can also go on a river cruise, visit the zoo, the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, hike to a waterfall and more.
Outdoor bath, anyone?How 'bout being treated like a king/queen during a spa session?

#2 The Sticks, Fraser's Hill

Sometimes, simple does it Another place where you don't have to worry about doing anything but chilling. Located near Fraser's Hill, The Stick is serene and quiet, making it the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.
You can book a room complete with meals, so you don't even have to worry about driving out to get food.
Bored? Play a board game, go jungle trekking, white water rafting or even paragliding.
Not feeling it? Just lay back and enjoy the nature with a good book or binge watch movies and series. Trust us, this is the perfect place to do so.

#3 Terrapuri, Terengganu

Old but gold If you love history, you'll love this Terrapuri, The Land of Palaces.
Stay in Malay Classic Houses that dates back to the 17th century, which portrays the best of traditional architecture and carvings.
Flanked by the Sounth China Sea and a mangroove forest, you get to relax amongst nature and might even come up close and personal with birds and other animals that you won't see in the cities.
The beaches are sometimes visited by turtles, so you might just come across some if you're lucky as well.
Hikayat Terrapuri 1. Bermula pada 6 sept 1988, Rumah kedai warisan seratus tahun, dua pintu dijadikan sebagai rumah tumpangan di Marang, Terengganu. Rumah tersebut mempunyai laman courtyard dan telaga ditengah, mempunyai 9 bilik, rumah kedai tersebut dihias indah dengan ukiran kayu. 2. Pada awal tahun 90han, Impian untuk menjadikan Rumah bujang sebagai resort bermula, rumah bujang dibeli, dibuka dan kayu disimpan di dalam setor. 3. Pada tahun 1997, Tiga buah rumah bujang telah dipasang diatas tanah keluasan dua ekar di Kg Sentul Patah, rumah tersebut adalah Rumah Berang, Rumah Pengkalan Kubu dan Rumah Duyong. Oleh kerana lokasi yg kurang sesuai, projek tersebut telah terbengkalai. 4. Pada tahun 2005, sebidang tanah sepuluh ekar di Kg Kuala Baru Setiu, berdekatan dg Kg Mangkuk dan Penarik telah dikenalpasti untuk merealisasi impian yang sekian lama dimimpikan. 5. Restorasi bermula Pada tahun 2006, sebanyak 29 unik rumah di simpan sekian lama (18 tahun) mula dibangunkan. 6. Inspirasi dari Istana -istana tamadun Melayu yang lampau, Istana Langkasuka, Patani, Chi Tu, Kelantan dan Terengganu. 7. Semasa restorasi dijalankan sebanyak seratus buah rumah bujang yang hampir rosak dibeli untuk menggunakan kayu cengalnya sebagai kayu ganti. 8. Projek pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan memakan masa selama lapan tahun, seramai 30 orang tukang terlibat, fasa pertama siap pada tahun 2011 dan fasa kedua siap Pada 2014. 9. Dokumentasi dijalankan sejak 30 tahun yang lalu, banyak penceritaan secara lisan dan manuskrip lama. Cerita dari tuan rumah, tukang, pengukir, bomoh, ulama dll.Hebat sekali warisan rumah kita, penuh dgn kreativiti, inovatif, pelbagai ilmu, prinsip dan falsafah kehidupan. 10. Restorasi ini dinamakan Terrapuri yang bermaksud Tanah Istana. Dimana ia merupakan sebuah senibina agung dari tamadun yang lampau. (An architecture of a lost kingdom) #terrapuri #senibinaterengganu #warisan #rumahbujang #boutiqueresort #landofpalaces #malaysiatrulyasia #cuticutumalaysia #beautifulterengganu #penarik #setiuwetlands #langkasuka #chitu #peranakan #beach #terengganu #kelantan #patani #malayarchitecture
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#4 Fig Tree Hill, Penang

A trip to Penang doesn't have to be all about the food alone. If you wish to just chill and enjoy nature instead, Fig Tree Hill has just what you need.
You'll get plenty of privacy here, where even taking an outdoor shower won't be uncomfortable. If you want luxury, pick a room with a jacuzzi or just head over to the natural mountain water pool for a dip.
If you're just spending a few days on the island, you won't even have to leave the resort but if you do want to, there's plenty to do and see in Penang.
There are even durian farms nearby if you'd like some local fruits.

#5 Sekeping Serendah, Selangor

Pretty and serene place Another nature retreat that will help calm your nerves and hopefully, help you face the next week with a better mindframe.
This place is especially great for families as the accomodations can fit a larger group.
You can have barbeques, take a dip in the pool or at the waterfall nearby and just bond with your family away from the usual envirnonment at home.
The best part? It's super close to places like Genting Highlands, Sungai Chilling and Fraser's Hill as well so you can plan a day trip at any point if you wish to as well.
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