With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing by the day (#sad), it is now more important than ever to ensure that we keep ourselves and our family safe.

Hand sanitisers are now essential items, and that goes for disinfectant sprays for homes.

But what if you want something that is more convenient? A gadget that can not only kill germs, but keep your house clean and germ-free?

And we found the perfect household gadget for that purpose: the Ecovitta EC01S steam cleaner.

Developed in the United Kingdom and sold in 22 countries, the EC01S is designed to sanitise, clean, and refresh - all in one go.

Here are five reasons why the Ecovitta EC01S steam cleaner is the best household gadget you can spend your money on:

#1 It has a built-in steam cleaner

That's right, the Ecovitta EC01S is not just an ordinary mop: it has a built-in steam cleaner too! The EC01S is equipped with a 800ml water tank and its instant-steam generator technology produces ultra-dry steam in just under 30 seconds, for 50 minutes of uninterrupted, powerful steam.

According to Ecovitta, the EC01S’s ultra-dry, high-temperature steam kills up to 99.9 per cent of viruses and bacteria. All you need to do is fill up the small tank with water, wait 30 seconds for it to boil up and you're good to go. How convenient is that?

#2 It cleans more than just your floor

We mean, sure; the EC01S comes in the shape of a floor mop, so you technically use it as a mop, right? But with the built-in steamer, it can practically be used as a handheld steriliser.

You can use the EC01S to sterilise and disinfect your personal belongings such as your keys, your backpack, your clothes and of course, your parcels and deliveries. Just leave the EC01S near the entrance of your home and give yourself a quick steam 'bath' every time you come in.

#3 It can clean any type of surface

The EC01S is a jack-of-all-trades, as it works impressively for various surface types including carpet, sealed hardwood, marble and tiles. Not only that, you can also use it to cleaning virtually any part of your home, such as your kitchen, stovetops, sinks, bathrooms, mattresses, and even toys.

By the time you're done, the EC01S will leave your home feeling naturally refreshed, clean of dirt and grime, and disinfected of germs. Ahh, that's music to our ears.

#4 It comes with tonnes of attachments

You can't call yourself a jack-of-all-trades if you can't back it up, right? The EC01S comes with seven different types of attachments so that you can use it to clean, well, basically anything. You can pair these attachments with the specially-designed microfiber cloths to loosen and lift dirt off surfaces. Inside the box, you'll find:

#5 It's generally safer

Say goodbye to chemicals, say hello to steam! With the EC01S, you can say goodbye to cleaning agents such as chemical cleaners, sprays and powders. As the EC01s uses only the power of steam to keep your home clean and safe, it eliminates the risk of breathing in these potentially harmful chemicals, as well as lessen the damage done to the environment from chemical runoff.

Oh, and you can save a lot of money too, because you don't need to spend so much money on cleaning products.

The Ecovitta EC01S is now available for sale on Ecovitta's website.

The normal price is RM1,299, but they are now running a promotion where you'll get a 40 per cent discount for a limited time only, which brings the price of the Ecovitta EC01S down to RM799.

Go check it out if you're interested.