Angry Man Steps Out Of House To Calm Himself After Fighting With Wife, Ends Up Walking 450km
It is natural to want to take a long walk after having an argument with a spouse.
However, this one man took walking a little too far - like, literally!
A man from the northern city of Como on the Swiss border took a time out and walked out of his home after an argument with his wife.
A very long walk

According to Independent, the 48-year-old ended up in the town of Fano on the Adriatic coast - which is 450km away!
The unnamed Italian man reportedly spent one week hiking mountainous terrain to calm down before being stopped by the police at around 2am for breaching the country's lockdown curfew.
Initially, the police did not believe that the man had walked that far, but after a quick check, they found that the man's wife had lodged a missing person report a week ago.

For the offence, he was fined €400 (RM1,974).
When finally reunited with his wife, the man reportedly handed her his overnight hotel bill in Fano along with the police fine.
Boy, that is sure some walk. The wife should probably refrain from arguing with the man so often 'cos who knows where he'll walk to next.
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