As millennials, we grew up communicating with our friends online via applications that are practically dinosaurs to kids these days.

Or better yet, we talk to people either face-to-face or on the phone more often then we text because technology was just too much of a hassle at the time.

One of the most loved instant messaging applications back in the day is officially in its last days.

BlackBerry Messenger, or more fondly known to its users as BBM, will come to the end of its service on 31 May 2019.

BlackBerry announced in their blog that they will be shutting down the BBM consumer service because, sadly, people have moved on to other platforms.

Were you an active user of BBM before?
Well, we don't have to elaborate much about this since everyone we know is now on WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram on a daily basis, and some even slide into each other's DMs on Instagram.

While BBM is a space where users can not only chat but also consume content and use payment services, the company is finding it difficult to get more users to stay on.

"We poured our hearts into making this a reality, and we are proud of what we have built to date," the blog post read.

"Though we are sad to say goodbye, the time has come to sunset the BBM consumer service, and for us to move on."

We're not crying, you're crying.
This must have been a tough pill to swallow for the people behind BBM, as well as for those who are still active users of the messaging application today.

If you are wondering what to do with your purchased items within the application, you can read more about it here.