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#GE14: Common Mistakes First-Time Voters Should Avoid During Polling Day

Iylia Adreena
08/05/2018 04:28 MYT
9 May is approaching us really soon; not in a matter of days, but just hours! The fate of Malaysia’s future will be decided on that day after we cast our ballots.

For seasoned voters, this day might not be as daunting but for first-timers, it’s probably way more nerve-wrecking than sitting for your SPM.

A wave of jitters may have probably hit you by now, and you’re now over-thinking and over-analysing the big day to the point that you’ve thought about the possibility of you screwing up, which would result in #UndiRosak (you don't want that).

Fret not, fellow first-timers, we’ve compiled a handy guide for all of you on the do’s and don’ts during the 2018 general election.

ALSO READ: 18 Words You May Hear During Elections Explained Here


#1 Check Your Polling Station Beforehand

If you’re a registered voter and are eligible to vote this year, congrats! You’re just one step away from deciding the nation’s future. So, before you go out and vote, the most essential part is to go to to check where you will be voting and who are the candidates you will pangkah. You don’t need to print anything, but it’s best to save a screenshot of it in case you get amnesia.

#2 Bring Your IC

Remember the whole fiasco during nomination day where several candidates ‘forgot’ to bring their ICs and were denied entry and ultimately disqualified? Well, imagine you going to the polling centre without yours. You'll most likely suffer the same fate as the 'forgetful' candidates. Your IC is needed to verify your identity and to ensure that the right person is voting.

Lost your IC? You can use your temporary IC, Malaysian passport, or driver’s license with your photo. Read here for more info.

#3 Be On Time

Since there will be thousands of people voting at the same polling centre, getting stuck in line (or worse, being denied entry!) is something you do not want to face on that day. Make sure you go early or on the designated polling hours of 8am to 5pm. The Election Commission will close the polling centres at 5pm sharp. Sorry, no Malaysian timing will be applied during GE.

#4 Have Clean Fingers And Dress Decently

Everyone who goes out to exercise their right to vote will be marked with indelible ink on their left index finger. So, don’t go and get a manicure or you’ll risk your vote getting disqualified. Your fingers must be clean and clear of any marks and oh, do remember to dress appropriately when you show up. Don’t wear your pyjamas or itsy-bitsy shorts, okay.

ALSO READ: What Is Indelible Ink And Why Is It Important During Polling Day?

#5 Check Your Voting Papers

You must ensure that you are given two voting papers; one for parliamentary seat and another for state seat. The papers must also pass these criteria: clean with no strange marks, contains a serial number, and has an official stamp. If you notice something wrong with the ballot paper, you can request for a new set.

#6 Pangkah Correctly

‘X’ marks the spot, and that’s exactly what you’ll need to do. Cross only ONE candidate in the designated box and make sure it is within the box. There are a lot of things that can lead to 'undi rosak', so to find out what kind of marks that will get your vote disqualified, read the full list by the Election Commission here.

Pro tip: Have wobbly hands? Use your IC as a ruler to draw the ‘X’. After that, fold your ballot paper neatly and drop it in the correct box.


#1 Wear Clothing With Any Party’s Logo

All voters are not allowed to wear any t-shirt or clothing items bearing logos of political parties as well as a candidate’s name or photo. If you do, everyone will know who you will be voting for and that's not good. Of course, that also depends if you can get into the polling station (you won't). 

#2 Bring In Or Keep The Ballot Paper

Don’t bring in ballot papers or take them out from the polling stations. If you asked for a new one because your old papers didn’t pass the criteria, immediately dispose them before leaving the centre. No such thing as souveniers during GE14, okay guys?

#3 No Selfies

We know there are a lot of young people coming out to vote this general elections and naturally, some of them may have the urge to take selfies or even Insta-story the nerve-wrecking moment. Use of mobile phones are prohibited during polling day, so make sure it’s on silent mode. If the EC finds your selfie or video, you may be prosecuted.

#4 Lepak At The Polling Centre

Once you’re done casting your ballot, leave the centre immeditely and don’t loiter around the area. Waiting for your friend or family member? Wait outside the polling centre or in the car. Lepak is meant for the mamak, not at the polling centre.

#5 No Campaigning

Your preferred candidate had sufficient time to campaign prior to D-Day, so any form of campaigning at the polling station is strictly prohibited. If you still want to campaign, get a time machine and set it five years into the future.

ALSO READ: How To Become An Election Candidate

Now that you know what you should and shouldn't do, we wish you all the best, fellow Malaysians!

Make sure you read this guide and ensure that you have everything in place before heading to the polling station. Good luck, guys!
#Malaysia #Malaysia #GE14