
[GUIDE] What Postal Voters Need to Do with Their Letter

Alicia Corbett 11/11/2022 | 08:58 MYT

With the GE15 looming ahead, it’s safe to say that the entire country is abuzz about the elections. If you’re not in the country but have done your part for the country by registering for postal voting, you may be wondering what exactly to do once you’ve received your ballot package.

The Election Commission has shared a Facebook video featuring its academy director Hasanul Isyraf Naim about the steps postal voters should take to cast their vote.

You will receive your ballot package sent to your address in a brown envelope. There will be either one or two other envelopes inside that are labelled as ‘Envelope B’:

White Envelope (Envelope B)

For this, you will require a witness.

  1. Malaysian Citizen

  1. Ages 18 years old and above

  1. They can be a sibling, a neighbour, or anyone you know

They will be required to compare and check that the serial number on the ballot paper is the same as the one that is stated on ‘Envelope A’ and ‘Form 2’.

Fill in the serial number of the ballot paper on ‘Form 2’, voter’s name in capital letters, sign the paper or mark your fingerprint on the paper using an ink pad, your identity card number, and the date.

Make sure your witness signs the paper and writes their name on it in capital letters, their address, as well as their identity card number.

Peach Envelope (Envelope B)

These are for the states of Perlis, Pahang, and Perak only. There will be one peach-coloured envelope (for DUN or state assembly representatives). Carry out the same steps as above and post the two envelopes back together.

You can also watch the video here for yourselves:

Follow these steps carefully, because every vote counts and the future of Malaysia is in your hands.

Image credit: facebook.com/sprgovmy

#GE15 #guide #Postal Voting