Take a look on social media and in between all those election hashtags, #MannequinChallenge is starting to pop up. The viral video concept is rather simple and straightforward: someone films a group of people forming a scene and not moving, just like store mannequins.

1st responders do the #mannequinchallenge this is just great??? ?- @rodido

A video posted by Mannequin.Challenge (@mannequin.challenge) on

Image: FOX Sports
Some of the videos that have been posted from this are pretty elaborate that even whole restaurant, gym and party scenes have been captured. Recently, even Beyonce, Michelle Williams, and Kelly Rowland of Destiny’s Child reunited to do it:

#Beyonce, Kelly & Michelle doing the #MannequinChallenge at Titan's birthday party

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beylite) on

#Beyonce, Kelly & Michelle doing the #MannequinChallenge at Titan's birthday party

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beylite) on

The #mannequinchallenge from your Army West Point Men's Gymnastics team. ?#Itsonus #goarmy @espn @gymnasticshighlights @itsonus @usagym

A video posted by Army West Point Gymnastics (@armywpgymnastics) on

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Or Planking? Or the lip dubs?

#MannequinChallenge complete ???? @wayne215 @justtrain1 @cbuys6 @william_lam__ @korean_dinosaur #movewithhart #HustleHart

A video posted by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on

This new video meme has arisen to distract the internet, and if you haven’t seen this #MannequinChallenge in your social media feeds or on TV, you will probably hear of it soon.

#PressPlay: Look at this #MannequinChallenge!! In a pole dancing class. via. @poledance411

A video posted by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on

The trick is to get a group of people and freeze themselves in place, often in elaborate poses and scenarios, as one camera-toting person walks through the scene to zoom in on details.

Striking a pose has never been so in trend.

#mannequinchallenge at the game ?? @trinityvalleycheer and edit props to @ca_mattops Tag all your friends! ?

A video posted by Dylan Barrett (@the_barrett) on