It is so typical that when the topic of skincare arises in a conversation, everybody mentions the kind of products they use. Whether it's Maybelline, The Body Shop, Neutrogena, L'Oreal and so much more including going for spas. People are willing to spend a fortune for skincare!


On the contrary, there are other effective ways of maintaining healthy skin and one of it is from the food we consume. Let us ask you this. When there is a cup of instant noodles and a fruit salad on a table, which do you pick first? Gotcha!

We millennials just love junk food!


Why does it matter? Well, it's ok to consume them once in a while, but let's not make it a norm to consume them more than the healthier option. Furthermore, if you're someone who loves a cheaper option, here are 4 remedies you can get at your nearby supermarket:

#1 Green Tea

There is no need for 'teh tarik' all the time! We're shining a spotlight on the benefits of green tea for skin. Today, Japanese green tea - also known as matcha - has developed a shining reputation for its high levels of antioxidants. But that's not it's only star quality. Green tea health benefits can be enjoyed both from drinking it and applying it onto the skin.


#2 Tomatoes

These little reds consist a lot of Vitamin C and protects your skin from the ridiculously scorching sun. There are plenty of ways to add tomatoes to your diet, the salad being the most common option. However, remember this, don’t peel the tomato, whether you’re cooking it or eating it raw. The skin of the fruit has the maximum benefits. And cherry tomatoes are good too! All you have to do is pop them into your mouth.


#3 Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are tasty and a healthier option. If you like to tweak things a little bit, get creative by adding them to your salads, bread, and drinks. Don't limit your options.

#4 Water


Many times we just don’t drink enough water, leaving our body so dehydrated. Hence, our skin dries up. Drinking water alone can do wonders in producing beautiful and healthy skin.

So, what are you waiting for? The resources are just rightttt under your nose.

Do you wanna know more about skincare? Watch Hello I Have Issues season 3 episode 6 on Astro Channel 110 and On Demand.