
The Story Behind The Iconic Yusuf Taiyoob Commercial

07:42 MYT
How do you say ‘Yusuf Taiyoob’? Anyone who is well-informed about the Ramadan scene in Malaysia would know that you’d have to deliver it in that enticing whisper tone!
In case you’re not aware, the Yusuf Taiyoob commercial has graced the local radio and television stations for more than a decade now every time the holy month approaches.
You know Ramadan is coming when the commercial starts airing. Legendary is the word you’re looking for.
We were fortunate enough to have the chance to speak to the brain behind this iconic creation and the fresh voice that continues the legacy.

Meet the OG

He prides himself on being the man behind the scenes.
Badrul Hashim is the name of the man behind the unique concept that amplified the brand’s name.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications majoring in Advertising from Universiti Teknologi MARA. He also minored in broadcasting.
It’s safe to say that he got himself prepared before stepping into working life.
He started his career at an ad agency where he was responsible for the creation of jingles and scripts for various big brands.
His time there also allowed him to further polish his public relations skills.
The 1997 Asian financial crisis left him out of a job. However, he eventually landed a position with Astro under the Corporate Communication department.
Not long after that, he was called to join Astro Radio (or formerly known as AMP Radio Networks) as a copywriter.
As one who is passionate about creative expressions, Badrul took the opportunity. Today, he holds the post as a Senior Content Producer.

That soothing voice

Azura went from the running track to the vocal booth. Nik Nor Azura Nik Mahmood took on the role as the whisperer in 2018, resuming the notable work of Karen Bahrin.
Before forging a career in the entertainment industry as an announcer and TV host, Azura was a national sprinter.
Today, she oversees the operation of a local radio station and two digital brands.
Azura is passionate about the voiceover scene.
“The recording session vibe, the team to guide me in bringing life and emotion to a radio script, to maintain the momentum, speed, mood, timing, the production, get to know clients and other talents."
"I love it when the producer says ‘Whenever you are ready,’ ‘Let’s do one more take for safekeeping,’ ‘Let’s go with OTT (over-the-top)’. Behind the scene process is the experience that you can’t get it anywhere else,” she stated.
Despite the long list of brands she has worked with as a voiceover talent, which includes Hotlink, Air Asia and Beras Faiza, Azura humbly stated that she considers her stint in it as “not long enough” and that she is still learning.

The Iconic Commercial

Yusuf Taiyoob took to the radio for their first mainstream advertisement. They had chosen to work with AMP Radio Networks.
Badrul was in charge to create the concept based on their request, which is not just to highlight their products but also their name.
That may sound simple but it really isn’t.
“The rule of thumb is that for a 30-second ad, you cannot mention the name more than six times,” Badrul enlightened us.
Badrul is also responsible for the heartwarming concept of ‘Aiman Tak Kisah' for the  public service announcement on HIV/AIDS. #NowYouKnowLah After putting a hard thought about how to meet the brief without breaching the rules, Badrul’s had a lightbulb moment.
He thought of the idea to incorporate the client’s name as part of the music background, allowing the name to be ‘played’ repeatedly.
Badrul also took the approach of mentioning the type of dates that Yusuf Taiyoob carries, which has included Ajmal, Safia and Wasem.
This way, they are able to inform the audience about the various types of dates Yusuf Taiyoob has to offer without having to worry about the limit of mentioning other brands as imposed by a rule on brand farming.
Brand farming basically means promoting other brands in one particular brand’s advertisement.
Badrul’s smart thinking created a timeless piece for Yusuf Taiyoob allowing them to simply change the type of dates they’d like to feature in the advertisement from year to year.

A nod of approval

Upon explaining the rationale behind the move to the company’s founder, Dato’ Seri Yusuf Taiyoob himself, Badrul said, “He was so happy with the idea”.
On the success of the commercial, Badrul was quick to point out that it was a collective effort.
He mentioned how Rodney and Karen played an important role in delivering their part as voiceover talents.
He also highlighted the good work of the sound engineer who made the whispering part sound crystal clear.
Badrul stated that the company’s clever strategy of making sure everyone is reminded of their dates as Ramadan approaches is a contributing factor to its success too.

When fate decided

Azura with Dato’ Seri Yusuf Taiyoob. Azura chanced upon the opportunity to be part of the Yusuf Taiyoob commercial when her good friend, Amyrah Arteh, who was supposed to do the recording, fell sick.
“At the very last minute, she texted me asking to replace her because she’s not well,” said the 39-year-old.
She was not made aware of what she was getting herself into nor whom she would be working with.
As she made her way to the studio, she received a call, which informed her that Rodney Michael was already in the studio.
Rodney is the man with the golden voice in the voiceover industry.
You may not know it but chances are, you have heard his deep, macho voice before.
He has also been the voice for Yusuf Taiyoob commercials right from the start.

Working with a legend

Azura and Rodney reenacting the recording session. “I was so surprised when he mentioned Rodney, I stopped walking for a minute because I couldn't believe that I am going to record a voiceover with the person that I always admired and look forward to meeting in person."
"Can you imagine that feeling? I have been hearing his voice on TV, radio, (and) cinema commercials since I was young and I finally got to meet him,” recalled Azura.
She added, “Standing next to him, listening to his voice in a normal conversation, you feel as if you are still listening to him on the radio. It’s crazy!”
Only once she was at the studio did she learn that she was about to be re-recording the famous Yusuf Taiyoob commercial.
On how the task was like, Azura said, “Imagine this… You need to whisper but at the same time, you need to project and deliver the whisper clearly."
"It’s not easy because you need to control the air, bring out the energy from (your) diaphragm to get the ‘perfect’ whisper. I did a few takes during recording and the session took about 10 minutes," she said.

Never have I ever

It never occurred to Badrul that his idea would go on to become a classic.
However, the commercial wasn’t always perceived positively.
“The first couple of years, people were annoyed,” he revealed.
Badrul gives credit to the company for their consistency in airing the commercial nearing Ramadan every year without fail.
It is a brilliant move indeed for it creates a sense of familiarity that eventually transcends the annoyance, putting the brand where they are today.

To be part of a classic

A familiar sound.
“It’s is kind of funny. I usually get this on Facebook. They say, 'Teringat Yusuf Taiyoob, teringat Abang Bad (Think Yusuf Taiyoob, Think Abang Bad),” Badrul said with a laugh.
His friends also took it up a notch in their Ramadan greetings for him.
“One or two days before Ramadan, they would call me and not say hello but just whisper Yusuf Taiyoob," he said.
Azura was unsure about how her family would react to her whispering persona.
“I think until today they don't believe I was the person who whispered in the commercial,” stated the mother of two.
As proof, there is a video of her in action with Rodney that has been circulating online.
Now you know what goes on behind the scenes. Just for the record, they did the actual recording separately.
Although she is admittedly a bit shy at how much attention the commercial garners, she also expressed how honoured she feels to be a part of it.
“Don't underestimate the power of radio. Traditional advertising will always play a big part in (promoting) awareness. Thank you for the attention given when you listen to the commercials,” she added.
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