Inspired by the Bendera Putih movement in the country that helps send aid to those in need, three Malaysian students have created an app to help people find food banks and locations of white flags where they can send aid to.

Malay Mail reported that Sidharrth Nagappan, Shaun Mak, and Cornelius Pang from Multimedia University created the app in just four days.

The app was initially called the Bendera Putih App but has since been rebranded as Sambal SOS yesterday.

Why Sambal Sos?

Why Sambal SOS, you may ask?

Somehow, it is related to Malaysians’ favourite Nasi Lemak.

“In tough times like these, a warm pack of nasi lemak with sambal is not just a Malaysian delicacy, it's a monument of support and a sense of communion.

“The stories behind packs of nasi lemak with delicious sambal are what all of us Malaysians have in common, and SOS is a global sign of asking and providing help,” a statement by the trio in a Facebook post said.

Sidharrth told Malay Mail that the app utilises the help of crowdsourced reports to identify food banks and locations with white flags on a map.

Users can submit food bank information through a Google Form under the “Food Banks” tab and highlight white flag locations through the “Report SOS” tab.

He added that the privacy of people who ask for help will be protected, and reports will automatically expire after one week.

You can access the app here.