
342kg Lion Bones Headed Towards Malaysia Seized At Johannesburg Airport

RD Minion
06:07 MYT
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342kg Lion Bones Headed Towards Malaysia Seized At Johannesburg Airport
Did you know that lion bones are highly regarded in Asian countries for their medicinal value? Some even use them to make jewellery, which is why lion bones are very in demand in this part of the world.
But we rarely here about them making their way to Malaysia, until now.
According to a report in AFP, South African officials have seized 342kg of lion bones that are actually headed towards Malaysia!
This practice threatens the lion species around the world. The bones were seized at Johannesburg airport.
“When the shipment was inspected, 12 boxes of lion bones wrapped in aluminium foil and weighing 342kg were discovered,” South Africa's environment ministry reportedly said.
Although exporting the bones of lions in captivity was legal, they needed a special permit to send the bones out.
Malaysia should stop receiving lion bones exports. The ministry's spokesman Albi Modise said three people have been arrested over the incident, including two Zimbabweans.
We do hope that this practice stops soon.
Last September, Singapore Airlines, which was the only airline transporting lion bones from South Africa to Asia, announced that it is stopping the service.
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