More and more parents are choosing COVID-19 pandemic related names for babies born during this period.

Getting the ball rolling would be the couple from India who named their twins 'Covid' and 'Corona'.

Then we carried news of another couple naming their child 'Sanitiser'.

The last report would be Perhilitan choosing to name the first pangolins born in captivity 'Corona' and 'Corina'.

Another one named after the pandemic

Joining the trend would be a baby giraffe named 'Corona' born in a Bali zoo recently.

According to a report in AFP, the calf was born on April 9 to mother Sophie and father Matadi at the Bali Safari Park.

Corona looks healthy but slightly confused.

"She was born during the Covid-19 pandemic so the environment minister... named her Corona."

"Corona is healthy and is still breastfeeding. We'll keep her under observation for three months,” said the zoo’s spokesman Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Sujana.

With that sort of name, the giraffe will always be the centre of attention!