
BBC Radio London DJ Offers Forehead As Advertisement Space To Raise Funds For Charity

RD Minion
03:36 MYT
If you look around, advertisements are everywhere.
From billboards to newspapers to television channels as well as on the radio. Adverts everywhere.However, have you seen advertisement on people’s foreheads?
We kid you not, there is such a thing.

Just use my forehead

A BBC Radio London presenter is offering her forehead as advertisement space in order to raise money for the Black Minds Matter, Shelter and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).
According to a report in Ladbible, Claira Hermet wants to raise £10,000 by using temporary tattoos of businesses’ and brands’ advertisement on her forehead.
She told Ladbible that the idea came after she and her producer searched for interesting topics to talk about and found that a man used his forehead as advertising space for 10 years.
Hermet then wanted to try it out for herself.

Conditions apply

She said to advertise on her forehead, there are a few rules.
The advertisement must have got nothing to do with weapons, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, pornography or sex. A unique method."As I'm working with charities and they have some very clear guidelines about what I can and can't advertise.
"For me, as long as it's not offensive or an organisation/person whose values completely conflict with mine, then I don't mind at all!
"I don't take myself too seriously and I don't mind looking silly for a good cause. If it makes people laugh and it spreads joy, even if it's at my expense, I'm game!" she said.
Anyone want to try this out in Malaysia?
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