
COVID-19: Health Ministry Announces Yet Another Red Zone In Peninsula Malaysia, 25 Now In Total

05:05 MYT
The Health Ministry has announced a new COVID-19 Red Zone in Peninsula Malaysia - the Hulu Selangor District.
According to the latest data shared on the ministry's Twitter, there are 43 COVID-19 positive cases in the district now.
This brings the total number of red zones in the country to 25, with all districts in Kuala Lumpur now being red.
Daerah baru zon merah ialah Hulu Selangor.
Terus duduk di rumah, penjarakan sosial dan tingkatkan penjagaan kebersihan diri.— KKMPutrajaya (@KKMPutrajaya) April 10, 2020
The zones are categorised based on the number of cases in a district - green for areas with zero cases, yellow for areas with one to 20 cases, orange for areas with 21 to 40 cases, and red for areas with more than 41 cases.

Ministry to review zone classification method

During Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah's press conference aired live on 8 April, he said that the ministry is looking into the way the zones are classified.
So far, the ministry has been calculating cases in a certain area collectively, so recovered cases and such were not taken into consideration when the zones are classified. The Health Ministry is looking into a reclassification of the zones. “This way at some point, all areas will become red zones,” he said during the press conference.
He added that the ministry is looking at analysing the situation on two-weeks basis to determine how prevalent COVID-19 is in an area.
Dr Noor Hisham also said that instead of districts, the ministry will also be looking at 'mukim' or townships when classifying an area.
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