By now, we all know how bad the COVID-19 situation in India is.

Things seems to be getting worse though.

Now, some of India's COVID-19 patients are developing a type of fungal infection that can affect a number of organs, including the heart and the brain, once contracted.

A fungal infection that could lead to death.

Called mucormycetes, the fungas which is known to be found in soil and decaying organic matter such as decomposing vegetation, manure, and rotting fruits, can also be found in the nose and mucus of healthy people who breathe it in.

Black spots appear on skin

According to a report by Mashable SEA, black spots may appear on the skin around the nose as a result of contracting the fungas, commonly referred to as "black fungus".

Other complications that could arrise include chest pains, thrombosis, skin lesions, loosening of the jaw, worsened respiratory complications and even death.

Hundreds of cases detected.
To date, 200 cases of mucormycosis have been detected in Maharashtra, out of which eight have died.

Doctors have also been forced to surgically remove the eyes of eleven patients who were infected to stop the virus from spreading further.

How scary!