You know what would be great?

If 2020 can stop trying to kill us with a new virus every minute.

Latest virus is killing rabbits

Singapore has recently reported a new type of highly infectious and contagious animal disease that was detected in local rabbits.

Called the Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD), the disease was first detected in local pet rabbits on 16 September.

Mothership Singapore quoted the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS) of the National Parks Board (NParks) as saying that there may be up to 11 affected rabbits in the cluster and eight have died so far.

The report also quoted veterinary clinic The Animal Doctors as saying that the disease, which was caused by the virus RHDV2, first emerged in Europe in 2010.

Yeah, it's not a pretty sight.
The virus can reportedly be replicated in the infected rabbit’s liver and can cause cell death as well as liver failure.

This, in turn, leads to multiple blood clots forming throughout its bloodstream known as disseminated intravascular coagulation.

The increased clotting depletes the rabbit's supply of platelets, leading to excessive bleeding especially in its lungs, heart, and kidneys.

Currently, there’s no cure for the disease but on the bright side, the disease cannot affect humans.

Nevertheless, take care of yourself out there, Singapore!