
Indian Youth Creates Iron Man Suit Replica Out Of Electronic Waste

RD Minion
00:33 MYT
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Indian Youth Creates Iron Man Suit Replica Out Of Electronic Waste
When you put your heart and soul into it, anything is possible.
This has been proven by a man from Manipur, India.
He managed to create a replica of Marvel's Iron Man purely out of electronic waste!
According to a report in Swarajya quoting another report in ANI, Ningombam Prem, created his Marvel masterpiece after his brother persuaded him to do so.

No professional training

Ningombam, who has no formal training in the art, made the replica of the suit from discarded scrap materials, emergency lamps, electronic toys, syringes, speaker frames and even IV-fluid tubes.
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"I have always wanted to create a robot since my childhood days. But this craze for Iron Man costume started around 2015. One reason for creating is -- I want to add this scientific effect in Manipuri films as most of the stories are based on romantic films,"
"I collected most of these from electronic waste -- radio shops and television. Since we could not afford to buy materials, I have collected all these materials," said the 20-year-old.
Prior to this, the youth had created demo models of robotic items, such as the cobweb producing mechanism used by Spiderman.
What talent!
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