Ingenious Villager Puts Up Hari Raya Oil Lamps To Spell COVID-19
Lighting up oil lamps have long been a tradition for Hari Raya.
The pretty decoration is usually featured at the entrance or perimeter of homes giving it the perfect festive glow.

If you’re feeling especially rajin, you can even arrange them to form beautiful shapes and patterns like these homes.

One home in Padang Rengas, Kuala Kangsar, Perak however decided to fashion their oil lamps to spell out COVID-19 this year.

An interesting choice

Speaking to Rojak Daily, Fairuza, who first posted the photo of her grandmother’s home on social media said that the picture was first shared by an uncle on her family's WhatsApp group.
She said that house was currently being rented out and the tenant had arranged the lamps in that manner.
Fairuza said that the decoration had the whole village talking.
“I’m sure this Raya will be different for so many of us. Even though the situation now can be depressing, it’s important to see things positively.”
“And so, by doing this, it can lighten up the mood and also remind us to be always vigilant with our cleanliness during Raya at all times,” she said via WhatsApp.
We did not get to speak to the tenants themselves but we actually think it’s an ingenious way to celebrate and still remind people to be careful.
Perhaps a COVID-19 virus shaped oil lamp deco next? Why not we say. ?
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