Lata Iskandar Road Rage Abuser Sentenced To 7 Days Jail
The original incident first went viral on 6 June with the video circulating depicting the man in question engaged in an argument with a woman and her brother in their car.
According to the original video, the man had accosted the woman and her brother in their car after what he claimed was the woman driving dangerously and trying to "cut queue" in a double line road.
As they exchanged words the man slapped her on the head once and scolded her for talking back to him. He also appears to hit her again when the camera was turned down.
The victim immediately made a police report and the man was immediately arrested on the same day and remanded for 3 days. Following his arrest another video surfaced alleging that the same man had slapped a restaurant worker too.Kita kasi dia femes sikitSenang hati main tunjal kepala org---------------------------------Abang ‘sado’ biadap, tunjal kepala pemandu wanitaKecoh di media sosial hari ini apabila kelibat seorang abang sado bersikap biadap dengan menunjal dahi kepala seorang pemandu wanita…— MYNEWSHUB (@mynewshub) June 6, 2023
Well, his slapping days are over as he was slapped with handcuffs and will serve 7 days jail after investigations. Do you think the punishment fit the crime?
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