Lisa Surihani has been appointed as the new ambassador for the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Malaysia to advocate children’s rights and stand for issues affecting young people in the country, a cause that the actress admitted has always been close to her heart.

The appointment was announced at a press conference by UNICEF Malaysia representative Marianne Clark-Hattingh on Tuesday.

Image: The Star
“Being a UNICEF ambassador presents the perfect opportunity for me to get involved on a personal level,” Lisa was quoted by Astro Awani as saying.

She also stressed the crucial need for the relevant authorities as well as the public to address issues related to child sexual grooming using social media.

"Back then, our parents would always tell us not to talk to strangers but the challenge now is different in the presence of gadgets and social media platforms," Lisa was further quoted as saying.

Image: The Star
According to Clark-Hattingh, the actress will be involved in promoting and advocating children’s rights in Malaysia and internationally through UNICEF's global initiatives and campaigns.

"Her support will encompass efforts towards the elimination of all types of violence and abuse against children, integration of children with disabilities, a safer use of the Internet as well as early childhood education," Clark-Hattingh was quoted as saying.

Lisa is among other global celebrity ambassadors for UNICEF, such as David Beckham, Jackie Chan and Upin & Ipin. Congratulations to Lisa Surihani on her new role and we would also like to wish her all the best in future UNICEF campaigns.