The COVID-19 vaccines are here, and the Government has prepared a whole plan on who gets it first and how long the whole process will take.

There's a slight snag, though - some overtly pandai people are allegedly queue jumping!

A number of Malaysians have been sharing incidents of queue jumpers including on social media and the cases are quite worrying.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has however, assured that his team are on it.
"My team has been monitoring whistleblowers’ comments on social media about vaccine queue jumping. I share it immediately with Dato’ Dr Chong DDG, who is with me in the task force, to investigate. We take every expose seriously. Vaccine equity is important," tweeted Khairy.

Khairy, who is the coordinating minister for the National COVID-19 Immunisation programme, later added that elected representative were part of the first phase but certain VVIPs that were not elected reps were also trying to get on the list.

"For elected representives, I have also asked that the vaccines be given out in stages. There are some states that have given all their excos the vaccines at one go. Not good," he tweeted.

Expose queue jumpers

Khairy later added that those who had information on queue jumpers could also email him directly at [email protected].

So, if you suspect or heard of some VVVVVVVVVVIP trying to jump queue when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, you know what to do.

As for you queue jumpers, shame on you!

Your actions are extremely selfish as those vaccines are meant for actual frontliners i.e. the people out there risking their lives for yours!