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More Sad News From Australia: Its Govt Is Planning On Shooting 10,000 Camels

RD Minion
09/01/2020 03:33 MYT

Looks like the trials for Australian haven't ended. 

About 10,000 camels in draught-afflicted South Australia is expected to be shot dead by professionals from helicopters as the animals are said to be drinking up the limited supply of water in the region. 

Unruly animals

The shooting instruction came after Aboriginal leaders in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands decided to cull the animals, Yahoo news reported. 

It is believed that the camels have been entering housing areas, breaking fences and creating distress among the locals in their attempt to look for water. 

The animals have been attacking any available water sources, including taps and tanks.

In a situation where even the people living in the communities are suffering without enough water, they are not willing to share the little they have. 

It is estimated that there are about 1.2 million camels in the country, despite not being native to the region. 

The animals were brought in from India and Afghanistan in the 19th century to be used as transport and in construction. 

Increasing camel poulation has been a concern in the country as the animals contribute to greenhouse gas emission, dry up water sources and in some cases, contaminate them as well. 

This is not the first time Australia has culled its animals. Earlier this year, South Australia was planning on culling  koalas, western grey kangaroos, long-nosed fur seals and little corellas because there were too many of them. 

The culling of koalas has been done before, as well. 

This news is especially devastating after reading about almost half a million animals dying in the ongoing forest fire in Australia. 

#Australia #Australia #Camel #Cull