M’sians Are Concerned That The New Tinted Window Ruling Will Cause Crime Rates To Go Up
Have you heard about the new ruling on tinted windscreens?
The government recently announced that vehicle owners in Malaysia are allowed to tint their rear and passenger windows as dark as they want for a fee. You can read all about it here.
The news received mixed reactions from Malaysians as some were naturally happy to have dark-tinted windows to match their souls, while others were genuinely concerned on the safety of the passengers.
Like true-blue millenials, worried citizens expressed their thoughts on social media platforms.

“Kidnappings, especially of children, will be rampant. The rear (windshield) should not be fully tinted,” said Sandy Gov.
I dunno. Arwah Suzaily was captured inside a bus with a dark tint. Nobody saw her screaming for help until she went to the bus door at the front, and she was seen by a teen who was cycling on the way to school that morning.— I am never a mere label (@santeira) May 7, 2019
Not feeling good about the new tinting rules. As if the lawbreakers had won. But will let safety experts debate.— Saladin (@saladinMY) May 7, 2019
Lebih mnggalakkn penjenayah dan akn berlakulah penyeludupan..spatutnyo x pyh oyk pd kepada yg perlu sj utk cermin gelap..— Mohd Norsafizal (@9w2nsf) May 8, 2019
Tak bagi tinted gelap, kata Malaysia panas. Dah bagi tinted gelap cermin penumpang dan belakang, kata senang kerja penculik. Dulu tak bagi cermin gelap pun orang menculik juga. Cermin gelap juga. Jadi cermin akuarium ni tak selesaikan masalah culik dan jenayah juga.— HRH Pasir Dua Butir (@zeddarf7) May 8, 2019
After this, more scared to take grab car or any of kereta sewa lahai after dah bagi kelulusan takde no limit kegelapan tinted cermin kereta macam ni. Jangan tanya lah kenapa ramai girls outhere tak pandai berdikari ke apa but just nak jaga2 ?— 아윤 ? (@n_afiqahanis) May 7, 2019
Imagine cermin tak tinted pun kita tak secure naik grab. Ada drive yg gatal la apa lah. Imagine tinted gelap macam tu, sumpah tak secure. Kena kidnap kau jerit la bukan orang nampak pun. Kena rogol boleh settle dalam kereta je sbb orang tak nampak.— al (@safirazawawi) May 7, 2019
And ironically, even the local police force is opposing the decision.Sy sokong penggunaan cermin tinted. Tapi alasan gelap utk tahan haba tidak tepat. Tinted yg cerah ada yg tahan haba lebih tinggi kualiti materialnya. Bgm mana dgn faktor Jenayah? adakah ia diambil kira?— HGH (@mdhafizg) May 7, 2019
According to Malaysiakini, the new rule on tinted car windows will only make enforcement personnel’s job even more difficult. Not only that, they were not consulted prior to making the decision.
“I feel slighted. Ideally, they should discuss it with us, and perhaps consider our views,” Bukit Aman traffic chief Azisman Alias told the daily.
So, what do you guys think? Will you be changing your window tinting soon or do you think the ministry should reconsider this new ruling?
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