
No Penalties Against 2 Million People Who Failed To Renew Driving Licence And Road Tax During MCO

RD Minion
02:13 MYT
Worried because you haven’t renewed your driving licence due to the movement control order (MCO) period?
Don’t fret! You are not alone!
Road Transport Department (JPJ) director-general Datuk Seri Shaharuddin Khalid said that there are over two million Malaysians who have not renewed their driving licences and road tax during the MCO.
Don't wait too long.
Good news though because he said no action would be taken against them.
"Since 18 Mar and as of 14 Jun, a total of 2,119,653 road tax and 2,184,508 driving licences are yet to be renewed.
"However, JPJ will not take action as they (drivers and vehicle owners) are exempted from renewing their driving licences and road tax under the MCO period," he said, as reported by The Star.

Don't delay renewal too long

No extensions.
He said the exemption for those whose road tax and driving licences had expired would last as long as the recovery MCO was in effect until 31 Aug.
A word of caution though, Shaharuddin said drivers must ensure that they have valid insurance while on the road.
He also urged those with expired driving licences and road tax to renew them soon as there will be no extensions given after 31 Aug.
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