We've pretty sure you've heard of some of Singapore's strict rules, like you can't chew gum when you're in the country or crossing the street without using the proper zebra crossing.

But this, this takes the cake.

A man in Singapore has been fined S$300 (RM913) for shooting two rubber bands that landed on the country’s public road.

Dramatic reenactment.
According to a report by Channel News Asia (CNA), the National Environment Agency (NEA) issued a ticket to the offender for littering.

"NEA enforcement officers observed a man walking towards his vehicle and shooting two rubber bands, one after the other, into the air.

"The rubber bands landed on the public road. Our officers thus informed him of the littering offence and issued him an enforcement ticket,” the agency told CNA.

This piece of fascinating news came to light when the man shared a photo of the ticket on his social media page, and needless to say, the post went viral.

The post that went viral.
The agency also reminded the public that littering has environmental consequences and keeping the environment clean is a socially responsible thing to do.

We know we shouldn't be laughing at this poor man's predicament, but it's too funny lah.