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Sivagangga Cluster: Nasi Kandar Restaurant In Kedah Has No Records Of Customers

RD Minion
04/08/2020 03:54 MYT
The Health Ministry and frontliners have been working tirelessly to keep the numbers of COVID-19 cases at the minimum, but people like the owner of the nasi kandar shop in Kedah that started the whole Sivagangga cluster, and his customers, are not making things easy. 

Malaysians were outraged to find out that the man flounted his quarantine and went to his shop, thus creating an unwanted COVID-19 cluster. 

The covidiot has reportedly caused the infection of 21 people so far.

The youngest victim in the cluster is only two years old. 

Didn't record customer details

As if things weren't bad enough, the Health Ministry found out that the man also didn't follow SOPs to keep his restaurant open. 

One of the most important ways the Ministry tracks and contain the virus is by contact tracing, but this job was made difficult by the failure of the owner to record the details of his customers. 

The restaurant did not have a MySejahtera QR code, nor were there any manual recording of any sort to track the customers who frequent the shop. 

If you've been to Nasi Kandar Salleh Napoh restaurant in Jitra in the near past or been in contact with others who may have, you might want to get yourself checked. 

One man went ber-Raya before admitting to close contact

The owner of the nasi kandar restaurant is not the only inconsiderate, not-so-smart covidiot, it turns out. 

One of his regular customer was also found positive for COVID-19, but only after he celebrated Hari Raya Aidiladha with others, exposing them to the virus.

According to Astro Awani, the man got tested on 27 July and went for a Rapid Test Kit Antibody (RT-PCR), which came out negative at first. 

However, he started developing symptoms, which he ignored and continued to go on with his life, including celebrating Hari Raya. 

The man only sought medical assistance and reported his symptoms to the authorities a day after the celebrations, possibly infecting countless more who's been in close contact with him. 

Don't hide information

The people involved in this cluster would be a nightmare to have in a group assignment, for sure. 

We have to work together as a nation to beat COVID-19. Please be vigilant and don't hide pertinent information from those trying their best to bring things under control. 

If you know you're at risk, just play safe and stay isolated, at least. Even if you do have the virus and don't mind dying, just don't put others who'd rather not at risk as well. 
#KKM #COVID-19 #MySejahtera #COVID-19 #record #MySejahtera #Sivagangga #KKM #facepalm