A lot of tourists flock to Malaysia to experience our multi-culture background, our amazing plethora of food, breathtaking beaches, and let’s be honest, our cheap currency (looking at you, Singaporeans).

With cheaper currency means that our petrol is cheaper, food is more affordable, shopping sprees that won’t hurt your bank account and apparently, cheaper taxi rides too.

Apparently, our taxi fares are among the cheapest in the world!

According to a study by taxi2airport.com, Malaysia ranks fifth in the world when it comes to the cheapest taxi fares.

The website deduced that a 5km cab ride in Malaysia will cost you £1.52 (RM8.03).

You can also use this as a reference when travelling abroad.
Topping the list is Egypt, India, Thailand, and our neighbour, Indonesia.

And if you’re wondering which country has the most expensive cab fare, we'll, Switzerland takes the cake with a whopping £20.25 (RM107.04) per 5km cab ride followed by Japan £13.97 (RM73.84) and Germany £12.32 (RM65.12).

Wow, just imagine paying RM100 for a short taxi ride that probably lasts less than 10 minutes. We should be really grateful that we’re living in Malaysia, not amongst the Swiss Alps.

What's the most expensive cab ride you've had to pay for? Share your story with us in the comments section below.