If you're a hot blooded male, there are more reasons for you to avoid being infected with the coronavirus.

That's because it is much more dangerous for men.

Men need more care

A recent study has found that men are more likely to require intensive care if they're infected with the coronavirus compared to women.

Not only that, men are also at a higher risk of dying from the virus.

The findings were in a study called ‘Nature Communications’, AFP-Relaxnews reported.

According to the report, the conclusion was made after scientists analysed data from three million confirmed coronavirus cases from 46 countries and 44 states in the US.

The scientists found that while the infection rate was the same for women and men, males are almost three times more likely than women to be hospitalised in an intensive care unit and are 39 percent more likely to die.

“These data may help doctors to recognise that sex is a risk factor for severe disease when managing patients.

“Sex is an under reported variable in many studies and this is a reminder that it is an important factor to consider in research,” the study’s co-author Kate Webb was quoted as saying.

The scientist put it down to the fact that women produce more type I interferon proteins and “female” oestradiol hormone, while men’s testosterone hormone suppresses the immune system.

Now that you've heard it from the experts, do take care, guys!