The first thing that most people would do if they were bitten by a venomous snake is to seek medical help immediately.

Well, not this Indian man.

Not a wise move, mister snake!

Kishore Badra was only thinking about revenge when he was bitten by a venomous krait snake.

The 45-year-old tribal man from the remote village of Jajpur district in Odisha, India, was reportedly returning home at night on foot when the snake made the poor decision of biting him, India Times reported.

Badra felt a bite on his leg and when he switched on his torchlight, he found the snake latching onto his leg.

Instead of screaming and crying like we would have done if we were in his position, Badra decided to show the snake who's the real boss.

You ain't getting away, snake!
"In order to take revenge, I took the snake in my hands and bit it repeatedly, killing the viper on the spot," he was quoted as saying.

After successfully finishing off his opponent, Kishore then brought the dead snake back to its home to show to his wife.

That's a weird flex, but okay.

Concerned villagers who heard of the story tried coaxing Kishore into seeking medical help at the hospital, but he refused.

Instead, Kishore sought the help of a traditional healer, who was surprised to find that the bite had no impact on Kishore whatsoever.

Now, that's a real boss move! Poor snake didn't know what hit it.