Travelling to Perlis anytime soon?

Do take note that if you are doing so from a red zone, you will have to notify the Kangar Health Office first.

According to a report in Bernama, this is to enable the office to check on your health and undergo risk assessment due to escalating cases in the state.
Assessment a must.The report, quoting a statement from Perlis Health Director Dr Sirajuddin Hashim said those with symptoms must immediately head to the nearest clinic to get treatment, undergo a COVID-19 test and be quarantined.

Always monitor for symptoms

He said that 70 per cent of those returning to Perlis from the red zones went to visit their families while the rest went to work or for a holiday.

He also said that the state Health Department believes that some individuals who returned to Perlis from the red zones still did not inform the COVID-19 Operations Room first.
Be responsible."Therefore, the people of Perlis who are now the frontliners need to play their respective roles to ensure Perlis remains as a green zone state," he added.

He also adviced the head of families to always monitor the health status of themselves and their families.

That goes without saying!