
Tokyo Shares Marie Kondo’s Videos To Help Residents Declutter While Staying At Home

RD Minion
04:58 MYT
Tokyo has found a way to keep its residents entertained while being stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The solution is to declutter with Marie Kondo!
A good spring cleaning.
AFP reported that Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said the metropolitan government would share fun videos including those of the decluttering guru, to keep Tokyo residents entertained at home.
"I think there are people who want to declutter during the holidays.
"With help of KonMari, we will upload videos in which she teaches us secrets of tidying up," she said.

Cleaning not your thing?

However, officials also understand that not everyone wants to spend their time at home cleaning out their homes.
For people like who hates cleaning, there will be other videos available to fill their free time.
Be entertained and be happy.
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