You Can Get Special Edition 'Ujang' And 'Apo?' Magazines This Hari Raya
If you grew up during the 90s, what do you remember most about the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations apart from ketupat, rendang, the colourful fireworks and your beautiful Raya clothes?
If you answer the ‘Ujang’ and ‘Apo?’ magazines, your childhood was totally awesome!
Yes, the magazines’ Hari Raya editions have always been a part and parcel of Hari Raya celebrations during that era.
However, for those who are not in the know, MOY Publication Sdn Bhd, the publisher of the famous magazines, ceased operations in 2015 and both the magazines weren’t published after that.
...until now!
MOY Publication Sdn Bhd has decided to publish a special bumper edition of the magazines for the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations.
According to Astro Awani, the special edition is a collection of nostalgic jokes from their 1999 to 2002 editions.
The company’s operations and sales director Azrul Izar said they decided to publish a special edition copy of the magazines because of the high demand from fans, who were flooding their social media pages with requests.
The special edition will portray works from 40 of 'Ujang' and 'Apo?''s original cartoonists, including Lengkuas, Manggis, Bendi and Gayour.
Fans can get the special editions, which will retail at RM19.90, at bookstores or online by clicking here.
It's time to stock up for that balik kampung trip, boys and girls.