"Padahal Mama Pun Tersalah Juga..." - Diana Nasir Kongsi Beza Anak Kembar Seiras
Kakak kepada aktres cantik Anzalna Nasir, Diana mendedahkan klu untuk membezakan anak kembarnya, Anggun Darleena dan Anggun Darleesa.
Menurut Diana, walaupun mereka kembar seiras tetapi sama sekali berbeza dalam pelbagai perkara.
Namun begitu, Diana akui kadang-kadang dirinya pun tersalah.
"Ive people asking me how do I differentiate the twins. Which is which?
"So here are some clues of how you guys can tell them apart..
"Darleesa is very ladylike, while Darleena pula very cheeky!
"Darleesa has always been the petite lil angle while Darleena is slightly chubbier and gentle as a butterfly.
"Nothing has changed since then. They are identical but totally different in so many ways.
"Only I, their mama know which is which.
"I can already tell the difference since they were in my womb!
"I can tell by their voices, when they cry, the way they smile, look, move or laugh.
"Cehn padahal mama pun tersalah juga sometimes, I mean who wouldn't? Lol," tulisnya.
Diana dan suami, Azwan dikurniakan 3 orang cahaya mata, iaitu sepasang kembar Anggun Darleesa dan Anggun Darleena pada 7 Januari 2017 serta Anggun Darniella pada 11 November 2018.
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