Angkasawan Negara, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor selamat berangkat ke tanah suci Mekah untuk menunaikan ibadah Haji bersama ibunya.

Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar berkata ia sesuatu perkara yang sangat berharga apabila berpeluang membawa ibu menunaikan haji bersama.

The best thing for me is to be able to bring my mum for Hajj . Alhamdulillah . It’s a journey I cherished for . Just me with her and no one else,” luahnya.

Berita itu dikongsi oleh Dr. Sheikh Muszapahar menerusi akaun Instagram (IG) miliknya.

Muszaphar memberitahu lagi dia bakal menemani serta membantu ibunya sepanjang mengerjakan Haji di sana.

Malah doktor bedah ortopedik itu juga akan berkongsi pengalaman ibadahnya di sana sebagai perkongsian buat muslimin yang belum berpeluang ke sana.

Pic - Mom and me heading for Hajj The best thing for me is to be able to bring my mum for Hajj . Alhamdulillah . It’s a journey I cherished for . Just me with her and no one else ... Would carry her on my arms Tawaf Kaabah if I have to .... Would lift her on my shoulder to Mount Arafah if needed to ... My mum is everything to me . Syurga Di Bawah Tapak Kaki Ibu - I keep those phrase at all times . The Son bows to the Mother The Wife to the Husband The Children to their Mothers InsyaAllah ... will share you my journey on Hajj hoping others will have the opportunity to go too with their loved ones . Love As Always ...? PS - I’m in Jeddah now and heading to Mecca for Tawaf Qudum shortly .

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Foto: IG Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar