
"Temukan Saya Insan Sepertimu Wahai Ayah" - Sasha Saidin Kenang 3 Tahun Pemergian Bapa

Amri Hassan
04:44 MYT
Penyanyi dan pelakon, Sasha Saidin berkongsi sebingkis coretan buat ayah tercinta yang telah menghembuskan nafas terakhir tiga tahun lalu.
Menerusi ucapan panjang, memuji kehebatan dan keunggulan bapanya, terselit doa untuk Sasha bertemu insan seperti pekerti bapanya itu.
"I gotta go now Daddy so could you please put in a good word for me to find someone just like you please.
"And yes I know Daddy. Que Sera Sera. I love you, I love you. Al-Fatihah," tulis Sasha menyentuh hati.

10.5.2016 It’s been 3 years. Weird it doesn’t feel like it’s been 3 years. It seems so much longer. It’s like time is just wheezing by me but whenever it comes to you, it begins to move in slow motion almost coming to a halt. Sometimes it’s like you’re right here next to me. Daddy. You know you’ve made it really hard for me right? You’ve set the benchmark so high that no one seems to measure up to you. Well. Let’s start with tall, dark and handsome. Self explanatory. Then there’s that gentle side of you that always made people feel at ease whenever you spoke to them accompanied by that smile that melted the hearts of many. Lets not forget your sense of authority whenever you dealt with others that looked up to you for guidance. Your leadership qualities that never failed to exhibit kindness and compassion are legendary. Saying that you also knew when to let your hair down walking into the room and you’d be the life of the party never pretending to be anyone else but yourself. Equally you practised balance. Just as you were a people person, you were also a quiet spiritual man having acquired knowledge but choosing not to exploit it or judge others. Perhaps the trait that I miss the most is the way you protected me whether I was right next to you or I was far across the oceans. How you cried when I was away going through tough times, you worried about me feeling helpless and you insisted I be back by your side so you could make it seem all okay again for me. Daddy. Thank you for making me feel happy, safe and loved no matter how I felt I messed up or let you down, you always showed me how proud you were of me. I love this picture of you and Mummy. I was on the way and you were super excited to meet me as I was to meet you too. How you spoilt me for the rest of your life, your little princess also being born in December just like you making us both December twinnies. I gotta go now Daddy so could you please put in a good word for me to find someone just like you please. And yes I know Daddy. Que Sera Sera. I love you, I love you, I love you. Al fateha. #TheElusiveFairytaleOfTheHalfBloodPrincessSayang #DiaryOfASingleWorkingMum #CommittedToTheCelopi

A post shared by Princess Sayang (@sashasaidin) on

Entri Sasha dalam masa sama mendapat perhatian netizen apabila turut berkongsi foto bapa dan ibunya ketika masih muda.
"What a beautiful tribute to your dad," puji @barrywesterhout.
"Al-Fatihah. Your late dad was handsome," puji @najmah.sevenoflour.
"No wonder you are so pretty," puji @nora_miesyell.
"Al Fatihah to the man who brought us back from school, and let us listen to kiddy songs on the radio, and passed from this world into the next with a bright smile on his face," tambah @maliha_yahya.
Mengimbas kembali, bapa Sasha, Mohamad Saidin Osman meninggal dunia pada 2016 akibat komplikasi jantung.
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