“You Have Taught Me Patience, You Give The Warmest Hugs” – Sebaknya Ucapan Isteri Alif Satar Untuk Anak
Puteri sulung kepada pelakon Alif Satar, Alisha Anugerah baru sahaja menyambut ulang tahun kelahirannya yang keempat hari ini.
Bersempena dengan hari istimewa itu, isterinya Shadila Halid tidak ketinggalan memberikan ucapan dan titipan doa buat anak kesayangan mereka itu.
Selain itu, Shadila juga turut memuat naik beberapa foto Alisha menerusi akaun Instagramnya hari ini.
“Today you are 4 years old. 4 years... So much I have learned from you. You have taught me patience, strength, sacrifice...
“But most of all, you burst my heart with overflowing love, which I cannot explain in words because words simply fail to describe how much I love you.
“Not only do I love you so much, I adore you, I am impressed by you, I am proud of you. You are the sweetest daughter, the most caring sister to Ariana, the most wonderful little girl I have ever known.
“You tell me you love me a thousand times a day and you give the warmest hugs. What a delight! I feel your love, sweetie.
“You have your whole life ahead of you and Mama and Daddy will be there every step of the way…
“Insya-Allah. Please read #FutureMessageForAlishaAnugerah and all its comments one day and know you are definitely loved by many, especially Mama and Daddy,” luahnya.
Terdahulu, Alif dan Shadila yang berkahwin pada 15 September 2014 dan sudah dikurniakan dua orang puteri bernama Alisha Anugerah dan Ariana Mecca.
Foto: @shadilahalid
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