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#GempakSpot: Archaeologists Discover The World's Oldest Pearl In Abu Dabhi

Gempak Spot
10:10 MYT
While Malaysia boasts the world's oldest prime minister, archaeologists in Abu Dhabi have just discovered the world’s oldest pearl.
According to news agency the AFP, the pearl was reportedly discovered in the floor of a room during excavations at Marawah Island, United Arab Emirates.
How old is the pearl? Well, they believe that it is well over 8,000 years old!
“The layers from which the pearl came have been carbon dated to 5800-5600 BC, during the Neolithic period,” said Abu Dhabi’s Department of Culture and Tourism in a statement.
With the discovery of the pearl, Emirati experts believe that the pearls were used in trades with Mesopotamia (also known as ancient Iraq). The experts believed that the pearls were traded for ceramics and other goods, and also likely worn as jewellery.
The excavation also turned up yielded ceramics, beads made from shell and stone, and flint arrowheads, among other things.
If you happen to be in Abu Dhabi this end of the month, you can catch a glimpse of the pearl at an exhibition called “10,000 years of Luxury” on 30 October at the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
Kredit Gambar: Rojak Daily
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